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Mercury,Mariner,Mercruiser Control HD Cables

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Utraflex Group

MACH™ CM5 series High efficiency and flexibility engine control cables

MACH™ CM5 series High efficiency and flexibility engine control cables MACHTM CM5 series High efficiency and flexibility engine control cables Mercury/Mariner and Mercruiser  Lengths from 7ft to 20ft
MACH5 MERC TYPE CONTROL CABLES MACH SERIES High quality, long lasting flexible cables.MACH5 Mercury Type (Like C5).
Stroke: 95mm (3.75")
Features & Performance
The innovative core design maximises efficiency and minimises lost motion, while the exclusive design of the conduit provides extremely high level of flexibility. 

AF4-CM5-07 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 7ft £67.45 info buy
AF4-CM5-08 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 8ft £70.36 info buy
AF4-CM5-09 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 9ft £73.30 info buy
AF4-CM5-10 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 10ft £76.20 info buy
AF4-CM5-11 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 11ft £79.12 info buy
AF4-CM5-12 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 12ft £82.06 info buy
AF4-CM5-13 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 13ft £84.96 info buy
AF4-CM5-14 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 14ft £87.86 info buy
AF4-CM5-15 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 15ft £90.80 info buy
AF4-CM5-16 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 16ft £93.72 info buy
AF4-CM5-17 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 17ft £96.62 info buy
AF4-CM5-18 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 18ft £99.53 info buy
AF4-CM5-19 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 19ft £102.47 info buy
AF4-CM5-20 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 20ft £105.38 info buy
AF4-CM5-21 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 21ft £108.29 info buy
AF4-CM5-22 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 22ft £111.23 info buy
AF4-CM5-23 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 23ft £114.13 info buy
AF4-CM5-24 MACH™ CM5 series C5 engine control cables 24ft £117.05 info buy
Seastar Solutions/Dometic

Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable

Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable Mercury/Mariner/Mercruiser H eavy Duty Cables Lengths from 7ft to 30ft
With it's unique splined core XTREME delivers unparalleled smoothness and efficiency - with hardly any lost motion - even in the longest and most complex cable routings. This gives superior feel at the control, performance that until now was considered ‘impossible

TXCCX17910 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 10ft £49.64 info buy
TXCCX17911 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 11ft £50.82 info buy
TXCCX17912 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 12ft £52.01 info buy
TXCCX17913 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 13ft £53.17 info buy
TXCCX17914 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 14ft £54.36 info buy
TXCCX17915 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 15ft £55.52 info buy
TXCCX17916 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 16ft £56.70 info buy
TXCCX17917 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 17ft £57.88 info buy
TXCCX17918 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 18ft £59.05 info buy
TXCCX17919 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 19ft £60.23 info buy
TXCCX17920 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 20ft £61.40 info buy
TXCCX17921 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 21ft £67.88 info buy
TXCCX17922 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 22ft £69.41 info buy
TXCCX17923 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 23ft £70.93 info buy
TXCCX17924 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 24ft £72.48 info buy
TXCCX17925 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 25ft £73.99 info buy
TXCCX17926 Mercury/Mariner 600A TFXtreme Cable 26ft £76.24 info buy
Showing 1-2 of 2 items
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